
Homemade Playdough for Language Development

This is a great rainy day activity - Homemade playdough (microwave).

You need:

2 cups all purpose flour
1 cup salt
2 cupts water
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
food coloring

1. Mix the flour, salt, cream of tartar in a large microwave safe bowl.
2. Add vegetable oil, water, food color. Stir continuously.
3. Microwave on HIGH for 3-4 minutes.
4. Stir every 30 seconds.
5. Let cool and knead.

You might wonder how this activity will enhance language development in children.
Here we go...

Nous: flour, salt, water, oil, spoon, cup...
Verbs: put, add, stir, mix, use...
Adjectives: cold, hot, sticky, smooth, round...

Any cooking activities including making playdough are great for learning sequencing. Children will learn to use sequencing words such as first, next, then, ... last.

Turn-taking is another skill that children can learn through the process. Children can enjoy taking turns adding or mixing ingredients.

AND... it goes without saying that there are so many ways to use the playdough that you made for the language development!

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